For writers: please see the end of the post!
Being at home, home teaching, being a dad, taking care of the house. Just going outside for shopping or, gladly still possible in the Netherlands, a small walk or bike ride.
Enjoying being closer to the kids than I am used to, enjoying the peace it brings in this ratrace we call life. But I do miss having some time for myself. I miss making films or theater. I miss telling stories and listening to stories and ideas of others. And I miss working with other creatives.
But, in the spare moments I do have for myself I was also thinking of the possibilities.
I am not in this alone. As a matter of fact: We are all in this together. All over the world. This disease knows no borders, no politics or religion. These times are unique. What if we use this time to share our personal stories? Share your thoughts and feelings? What if we find personal stories from everywhere and find writers and actors from everywhere to film these stories?
Together with writer Michiel Richards, I created the concept for sharing the ‘at home monologues’. I like to introduce to you ‘Missing Pieces’. A place to get things off your chest. Feel free to share your story. Things you might can’t share at home. Either because you’re single and have no-one around, or because what’s eating you could impact the family life. Bring us your (anonymous) monologues about the issues that are on your mind. And we will choose some of these stories to put them on tape.
Stories from all over the world, performed by actors from all over the world. Actors who are similar in age and background to the writer of the monologue. By guaranteeing the possibility to the writer’s anonymity this way, there is room for honesty and awkwardness. It’s almost like an anonymous confession.
You can share your story on the YouTube-channel, at the discussion platform or sent your story to:
Missing Pieces # 1, performed by Abe Dijkman. In Dutch, with English subtitles
Missing Pieces # 2, performed by Jayne Entwistle. In English.
Missing Pieces # 3, performed by Sylviya Stanoeva. In Bulgarian, with English subtitles.
Missing Pieces # 4, performed by Eric Godon. In French, with English subtitles.
Missing Pieces # 5, performed by Ally Abdallah. In Swahili, with English Subtitles.
Subscribe to the Missing Pieces Monologues YouTube-channel to hear the stories from all over.
All the best, stay safe and stay creative,
Hidde Simons
p.s. To writers all over the world: Since this is about what is happening now, all over the world, we are looking for stories from all over the world. Since this is a project for ‘as long as it is happening’, we have no deadlines for submission, but we do feel the urge to tell the stories now.
Hopefully we stay able to create short monologues for our MISSING PIECES channel, also after the pandemic is more in control. We have created a concept for all stories. If you want to write, sent me an email, and we will sent you the concept: 🙂 And to everybody in the world please #staysafe #staycreative #blm